Art/ Sport and Dance Support

FCA Inc. believes that a combine balance of academic, sport and cultural activities and training allows to enrich the children personality, skills, and ability to become a rounded person. This will translate in life success and goal achievements later in life. FCA Inc. allocates funds in its year budget to support children and youth members of the organization who wants to get involved in sports, dance, theatre, music, or any other form of art.

Who can apply? All active members of FCA Inc.

Application is open all year around until funds run out.

How to apply? Fill out application form and send us an email with request of interest.

Click here to see the application and evaluation process.

FCA Inc. also believe that culture, art and sports keep our community together and engaged. These funds are also used to organize recreational tournaments within the members of the organization. 

Please email us at:

Emergency Support

FCA Inc. allocates funds in its year budget to support any member in needs due to death of a family member, illness or financial situation due to unforeseen events (accident, fire…)

FCA Inc. supports its members and family in case of emergency disaster relief locally and in countries of need.

Please email us at:

Who can apply? All active members of FCA Inc.

Application is open all year around until funds run out.

How to apply? Fill out application form and send us an email with request of interest.

Click here to see the emergency support application and evaluation process

Become a Sponsors

Sponsorship is about developing win-win relationships. Explore our sponsorship opportunities and if you have an idea you would like to explore outside of our current opportunities, contact us today

Scholarship Award

FCA Inc. allocates funds in its year budget to support education and advanced education for our members.

Application is open in February, closes March 23rd and awarded in May

Please email us at:

Who can apply? All active members of FCA Inc. who are currently in grade 12 or enrolled in an University / College Program

Completed application and supporting materials must be received before the end of the day, March 23rd.

How to apply? Fill out application form and send us an email with request of interest.

Click here to see the scholarship award application and evaluation process

Scholarship Program 2025

To all eligible members involved in a College or University program, fill free to apply for 2025 Scholarship program.

FCA Community events

BBQs, Trips to the beach, softball games, and so much more events during the summer that you can enjoy with us.

Grandparents Support PROGRAM

FCA Inc. is composed in its majority of Newcomers. As newcomers we always have family coming and going. While in Canada we try to engage them and keep them busy.

The program consist of our grandparents getting together and making delicious Cuban recipes. All proceeds belong to them.  

Who can order? All persons living in Manitoba

If you are looking for hosting a party or an event with Cuban food email us with your order and we will provide you with a quote.

What's in it? We offers the following in its Grandparents Program:
  • Croquetas Cubanas
  • Congri
  • Flan
  • Pasteleria
  • Paella